Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where have you been...

Life these days has been really busy. We have had kindergarten graduation, packing up the house, visitors, tball parties- and then the obvious everyday activities like sword fighting and swinging on a big kid swing at one and a half, eating raspberries off your fingers and falling an inch after the grass ends and banging our heads. It has been an ever so busy two weeks.

Raspberries are only fun to eat when they are on your fingers. Little E has a new habit of making the "cheese" face every time the camera comes out. E used to do this when he was a little guy and was quite well known for it. It was around the same age. Now that little E does it I just want to get out the camera for those photos.

Here baby E is sword fighting with his daddy. It is obvious that he has either watched his brother in way too many make believe dragon fights or he has been sneaking in midnight showings of Peter Pan to hone his skills.

When Uncle Bret and Aunt Kassidy visited us this last weekend I looked out to see baby E swinging on the big kid swing. It scared me half to death when Uncle Bret pushed him super high on the swing. But obviously I know nothing. As you can see from his face, my little baby is not concerned at all. And a couple of days later after he fell and hit his forehead, he was still willing to give me his ever so cute cheese smile.


  1. Okay that swing pic is a LO screaming to be done!!! How stinkin' cute is he?? So sorry about the bump but at least he smiled for you!! Mads hair is cute! And congrats on having a 1st grader. I am glad you blogged I was getting worried. ;-)

  2. I'm glad to get caught up on life at your house! I was getting worried too! Sounds like life is moving along at record speed. Cute photos! I must say that Mads looks just like you in that raspberry photo! WOW! Say hello to the kids and lets plan a get together! Love you!
