Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Argh, Matey! And Back to School

Today my cute little things decided they wanted to be pirates. The idea then spurred on our Halloween plans for this coming fall. Every year we dress up in similar costumes. One year we were all from Peter Pan, another Snow White. This year we are going to be pirates. So M and little E got themselves ready. They used their blankets. Once M had hers on, little E immediately wanted his wrapped around his head.

On another note... E had his back to school night while I was away scrapbooking. Thankfully my dear husband took lots of photos so that I would not feel like I had missed anything. He even took pictures of other children's items so that I could really experience what it was like to look for my E's things. Hmmm... Here are a few of my favorites.

Okay so here is ONE of my favorites (E with the silk worms they have been watching over)because the rest are of E's work and much better to look at up close. But I also included this lovely photo of my two little ones (as my husband was practicing using the different camera speeds) to show what happens when I am out of town. See M in the background? She is wearing a beautiful smocked dress with little angel wings. It is so cute with her little matching sandals. Oh, no sandals? In this photo she is wearing red buckle shoes, which would not be so bad on their own but they are especially nice with her red Hello Kitty Christmas socks. I know it makes me sound like a control freak- but she would not have made it out of the house if I were there. In fact I noticed in another photo that the buttons on the back of her dress are mismatched. Oh my. And it is captured in pictures.


  1. Too funny!!! I like the hello kitty socks and red shoes!! It's so her!!! BTW- to already be thinking about halloween reveals a very sick mind. Just sayin'..................!!!

  2. I had to laugh out loud when I read your blog! Too flippin' funnny! Oh, this will be an open house you won't forget, and you didn't even go!
