Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Day of School

It is hard to imagine it is here again. Another school year starting, another set of everything to learn. More homework, more projects, new sight words, more artwork. It means fall will come and soon it will be winter. That right around the corner spring and baseball and then it is over and my babies are another year older and in the next grade, wearing the next size in clothing....Sometimes I want to bottle it up. And sometimes I want to send them off to school.

Evan packed his backpack with glue for his first day of preschool. At preschool he cried for most of the morning and then got a lot of love from Teacher Nessa who promised to be there again for him on Thursday.

Ethan was all smiles, no nerves and ready to go this morning. He walked to the new school with Dad and all the neighbors and was off before Mike could even tell him good bye.

Madeline started her day at Foundations Kindergarten. She was very brave, very excited and mostly concerned about the items in her backpack and how many of them she would be able to come home with. That was really all she was worried about. She waited bravely beside me , kissed me goodbye when the whistle blew and was off.
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  1. They are all getting so big! I can't believe you sent all 3 off to school today...a big day for you! We miss you guys! I hope all is well.

  2. Are those my nephews and niece?! Oh, how I miss you all. Great photos for a great start at school.
