Saturday, May 23, 2009

Camp Broken Arrow is open

Last night Camp Broken Arrow opened for the season. The kids set up camp, barbecued hot dogs and even roasted marshmallows. They "fished" in the "lake" and listened for the continuous sound of "boats" in the nearby "river". Daddy read them stories by flashlight and they all had a great night of sleep. Although being so close to the ranger station, or the stranger station as M put it, gave everyone a sense of security and easy use of the restrooms if needed.

(Okay, here is how it really went. They set up a tent in the backyard, I made them some hotdogs, they pretended to fish in the pool. We roasted marshmallows over the portable fire pit, they came inside, brushed their teeth and slept in the tent with the sound of passing cars lulling them to sleep. Amazingly they slept through the 4 am emergency run by two fire trucks and an ambulance).

What was so funny was E's intense desire to give a camp explanation to every single thing we encountered. Our dog was the bear and the garage the den. He called me ranger all night long and kept asking me all the whys' and what's a ranger should know. He has quite an imagination. They had a great time but are as tired as can be right now. Soon, dinner, bath and bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. How fun!! Did you sleep in the tent too? That is a great idea!!
