Monday, February 7, 2011

A little catch up.

It is already February and I feel like a schmuck for neglecting November birthdays, December birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, etc.  My poor little chillins are not getting their fair share of photo time and story telling.  And they are so worth the story telling.  So my little recap of the past few months may seem long, but remember, this is our busy season.  The season of all the birthdays and holidays and joy spreading.  So below you will find a short little note about the more important events in those months... and I am guaranteed to be missing out on some for sure, along with some very cute pictures you can bet.  Maybe we will have to come back and add those later.

Merry Christmas!!

There really is too much to post about this holiday. The kids had a lovely time with gifts and church and eating lots and lots of candy. They tore into their presents and then played all day long. It was a very nice day indeed.
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Birthday number 8!

At our house we do birthday parties every other year, so this was not Ethan's year to have a party. We celebrated as a family and went out to pizza and bowling. It was a lot of fun! I did make him a cake (mint ice cream- and it was gross) that was covered in army green frosting (UGH) and had plastic army men on it. It was his request. He loved it and was quite happy.

He got many presents that made him smile and celebrate.

And others that did not. I laugh at this picture because there is one every year and it is always from my mom- who buys him practical things (along with a favorite toy) that usually constitute clothes or in this case a license plate map for the long trips we take. As you can see it was not so kindly received.

And his wonderful sister made him his own cake in her Easy Bake oven that was declared to be "the best cake I have ever tasted"! God Bless Betty Crocker.
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Fariy Fifth Birthday

Mads knew from day one that she wanted a fairy birthday party. We did it all up with wings, tutus, wands, bracelets, fairy dust and even their own fairy house. It was a lot of fun for the girls and Madeline was in heaven.

The next day was her actual birthday and we celebrated with family and went out to frozen yogurt. She loved opening her gifts and was most excited to bake with her new bakeware and Easy Bake oven. Lots of treats have come our way since.

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Missing Tooth?

My brave little girl just pulled this from her mouth. I was sewing and in she walks with her tooth in her hand and a little (lot) of blood. She had been wiggling this thing daily. She is not even 5 yet!!! Big brother did not lose his until he was 6.
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Happy First Birthday

It is so strange to think that a year has gone by. That we are done with the sleepless nights and teeny tiny baby clothes, the crawling and snuggling and sleeping on my chest. No more baby food. No more bouncy seat. No more exasaucer. It went by so quickly and as baby number four, wow, just remembering yesterday is a chore.

Miles is obviously the youngest and thus must prove to everyone what he should be doing. There is no, "I am too small for this" going through that baby's head. He is 100% sure that he should be doing and eating exactly what every person bigger than him is doing and eating.

Happy first birthday baby and welcome to your second year!!
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Sadly, it was about a million degrees on Halloween. Okay, more like 85. But that is no way to usher in the fall. It makes me crazy when my poor little ones bundle up in these hot costumes and then sweat all night long. Although I am sure all the candy made up for the uncomfortable temperatures.

Ethan keeping his hands as fall away from the pumpkin "guts" as he can.

Anxiously awaiting dusk.

My yummy little skunk.
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Big Old Stepping Stone...

Okay, so I know I am writing this little blurb after being absent for two months.  And I know that there are not any pictures to make you smile, but I felt that I just HAD to document two little events in our household.  Yesterday Evan figured out how to buckle and unbuckle his car seat.  Now while some of you will "ugh, oh no" I am about jumping out of my chair!  That is ONE less child to buckle in.  And by the time I get the baby in and myself and then check to see who still needs time to buckle up- he is about done.  Can you see how happy this makes me.  My second wonderful event is that my oldest has found the true, wonderful, exciting world of books.  Not books that you have to read, or books your mom reads to you before bed, but honest to goodness read to yourself until you can barely keep your eyes open books.  It isn't that he couldn't read to himself, I just don't think he ever really found it interesting.  Well now, the boy can't stop.  He is finishing chapter books in two nights.  One night I forgot he was reading, was going up to bed and he was STILL reading- ten o'clock mind you.  As a lover of books this makes me smile.  It makes me excited to share with him the curl up, read till your blind, addictive stories that are out there.  Yeah Ethan!!!  And not to leave out my others... Miles can climb the footstool and turn on the bathroom sink (nice) and Mads stabbed a cruton with her fork.  I know, I know.