Friday, November 19, 2010

Bowl of Beans

As we were clearing off our table from dinner, Evan decided he wasn't quite done. He just dug into the bowl of beans.
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My Shadow

Mi-Mi, Miley, Miles Jensen, or Bean always follows me around the kitchen when I am trying to clean up dinner. There are times when I out run him because I am trying to get things done. Here he just gave up and I caught him from behind. Once he knew I was taking the picture he was back on the move again.
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Our Little Bee

Mads got to wear her bee costume for her fall ballet recital. She was quite the ballerina- so good that she gets to move up to the big girl's class. She has quite a memory for french ballet terms.

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Fall Leaves

On a sunny, warm weekend in October we took the kids up to the Sierras to look for brightly colored fall leaves. We packed a picnic and had a great afternoon together.

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